Thursday 9 May 2013

No Bluebell Run This Year :(

Normally this week we would be heading off for our annual "bluebell run" in the woods behind Bagshot Park.

Having heard from Keith and Rob that the forest area that contains the bluebell woods was being trashed by forestry operations, intrepid route-meister Steve set out today to investigate how accessible they still are. The answer is "not really accessible at all for a run"!

Click any image to see it larger

The bluebells are just coming to their best, and it is possible to walk there from Bagshot Church, picking your way through the obstacles and the mud (after ignoring the sign above!) But it will not be practicable or safe to organise a run there this year, sorry. Here are some bluebell photos to be going on with:


Maybe there will be bluebells in the woods at Frensham this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. There is the Woodland Woggle, previously called the Bluebell Run, this Sunday at Seale. Which should scratch your Bluebell itch if required!
