Sunday 31 March 2013

Cracking Times at Easter Sunday 10K Handicap, March 31st

The twenty members who got up early on Easter Sunday to run the club 10K handicap were greeted by clear blue skies, a gentle breeze and a temperature of about 0°C - ideal running conditions in fact. All had remembered to set their clocks forward, and were there on time to work off their Easter eggs in advance.

Seven of the runners were taking part for the first time, and all navigated round safely!

Fastest time of the day went to Jon Payne in 38.44, especially impressive as it came only 24 hours after Jon posted a new PB at the Frimley Lodge Parkrun.

The mention for the most accurate predicted time of the day (in fact, the most accurate prediction ever!) goes to Jim Brown, who said 43 minutes and meant it, coming in exactly on time. That was a bit unlucky for Lisa Norman, whose 5 second error would have been good enough any time in the last year - but anyway, Lisa had the consolation of continuing to improve her times, with another PB in 59.05.

Here are all the results:

Jon Payne 38.44
Keith Hull 42.36
Tom Smerdon 42.36
Jim Brown 43.00
Giles Blackham 43.54
Laura Hales 43.56
Lorayne Hockin 45.41
Abby Fudge 45.47
Sachiko Dixon 46.30
Phil Wragg 48.59
Mark Coxhead 51.24
Gordon Trout 51.27
Tony Sheridan 51.52
Katie Pearce 52.26
Ben Feltham 53.08
Simon Cutmore 54.58
Richard Harrington 55.27
Pam Berriman 57.25
Maria Mannan 58.32
Lisa Norman 59.05

Thanks go to volunteer scorers and assistants Dave S, Dave P, Bob, Geoff and Steve

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed my first Handicap 10km a lot. Thanks to the organisers in making sure I didn't wander off the route!
