Saturday 27 April 2013

London Virgin Marathon 2013 - "how was it for you?"

As you will have read in an earlier blog posting we had a large number of WV members taking part in the London marathon last Sunday.
I thought you may like to hear some personal thoughts from those of us who took part; we hope it will inspire you to enter for 2014!
(entries open 29 April 2013
"About twenty minutes before the start, most people either go to the toilet or have a final drink of water, or both.   However there was one girl in her thirties having her final cigarette before lining up!"
"The Marathon was one of the most exciting days of my life that I will hold forever. I saw London in a different light. I am still on a high and not sure when or if I want to come down"

"I found it an incredible experience, I loved the atmosphere and was grinning from ear to ear most of the way round. My lasting memories will include the unbelievable crowd support, the contrasting quiet in the tunnels, and the blind runner I saw just after tower bridge"
"I was trying to avoid being sprayed by a fire engine hose at Poplar, which was unsuccessful, I caught the full force.  Surprisingly this was quite refreshing and gave me a bit of a push".
"My abiding memories.....the unexpected heat; the amazing support the whole way round, not one bit was left without supporters and the incredible walls of sound as you ran through the cheering, second to none.

"Overall, a wonderful day, something every runner should try and experience before they retire from running!"
"It was 26 miles too long!"
"A combination of beautiful weather and the "Boston effect" meant the crowds were larger and louder than ever. The organisation and volunteers were brilliant"

"I would recommend it to anyone thinking of trying one marathon in their running life. They may like it so much they return 21 times like me"
"I hope Sir Richard Branson appreciated my sweaty handshake after I crossed the line!"

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